As a result of the coronavirus, schools across the United States have made the decision to close for several weeks as a step to reduce the rapid spread of the virus. This sudden change means that many families have to make adjustments with their kid’s schedule. If you’re going to be home with your kid’s for the next several weeks it’s going to be important to have a schedule for your kids. Here is a sample schedule for kids:
Kids Wake up (8am-9am):
I like to start my mornings with a good morning song for my kids. This is a positive way to wake up. My kids have a schedule on their wall that reminds them of the tasks they need to do in the morning such as brushing their teeth, making their bed, and putting their clothes on. After they complete each task they add a star. This is very helpful for younger kids. I also like to have the kids do yoga in the morning because this helps with focus. One of my favorite kids Yoga is Cosmic Kids Yoga.
Morning Routine (9am-10am):
Our morning routine focuses on eating breakfast together and focusing on the tasks for the day. After the kids eat breakfast I will do a circle time where I talk about the weather, calendar, and we will read a book of the day. For older kids, this can be a time where they journal or do some reading.
Academic Time (10am-11am):
Making sure your kids get academic time during the day is very necessary. You want your kids on a schedule and routine that includes some academic school work. Remember that it’s not necessary to do every subject every day. Focus on 1 subject per day. For example, Monday Math, Tuesday Science, Wednesday English/Language Arts, Thursday Social Studies, Friday Review.
Physical Activity (11am-12pm):
Your kids are going to be home with you all day, so it’s important that your kids do a good amount of physical activities everyday. I like to take my kids outside right before lunch time because this tires them out. If it’s a rainy day I will schedule to have some physical activities inside such as a dance party or group exercising.
Lunch Time (12pm-1pm):
Lunchtime is a great time for you to get all your kids involved in helping out in some way. Older kids can help prepare food & younger kids can help set the table. I typically use this time to talk with my kids and bond with them at the table. I also love talking about gratitude during lunch time. Check out 3 Ways to Practice Gratitude with Children.
Quiet Time (1pm-3pm):
Your quiet time will be based on the age of your children. Understand that quiet time is very necessary for your children as well as for yourself. If you’re going to be at home full time with your children, you’re going to need some quiet time at some point during the day. For example, younger children can take a nap during this quiet time or read books. You can give older children the option of watching an educational movie.
This quiet time will be your time to recharge. You can focus on relaxing or getting work done. It can be tough being home all day with the kids which is why it’s necessary to have quiet time.
Snack Time + Free Play (3pm-4pm):
Snack time and free play time should involve a lot of independent play time for your kids. While my kids are eating their snack, I will lay out coloring books, art supplies, or activities in the backyard. All the activities that I put out for my kids, are all independent activities so they don’t have to ask me for help too much. During their free play time, I like to start preparing for dinner.
Game Time + Educational Activities (4pm-6pm):
During this time, you can bring out various games for your kids to choose from or allow them to play some educational games on their tablet.
Dinner Time Routine (6pm-8pm):
Just like the lunch time routine, the dinner time routine is a time for all kids to help. You can have older kids help with preparing dinner and younger kids can help set the table. Eating dinner as a family is important and utilizing this time to bond and have genuine conversations.
Bedtime Routine (8pm-9pm):
Our bedtime routine focuses on bath time, brushing teeth, and reading books. Also, during their bedtime routine, I will lay out their clothes for the next day.
Quick Tips to remember while you’re at home with your kids
1). During this time remember that spending quality time with your kids and having fun is what’s most important.
2). Make sure your kids are getting a lot of outside time and physical activity to reduce negative behaviors.
3). Make sure you’re allowing enough time for you kids to complete tasks throughout the day. I use block scheduling because that allows enough time and the kids are able to easily recognize when it’s time to move on to the next task.