Are you searching for ways on how to make your house smell good naturally? Over the years, I’ve gathered several hacks that helped make my house smell good naturally and also eliminate odors. When my home smells fresh and looks clean, it always puts me in a better mood. During the fall and winter season, I spend most of my time at home. So that’s just more of a reason why I want to have a house that smells so fresh that it boosts my mood throughout the day. As a mom of two young children and a dog, I also prefer to find natural ways to make my house smell good. So grab a pen and paper so you can write down these simple ways to improve the scent in your home!
1. Absorb Refrigerator Smells
I like to meal-prep so there’s always unique smells in my refrigerator. So, I use baking soda to absorb those odors in my refrigerator. I fill up a small mason jar with baking soda and add it to one of the side shelves in my refrigerator. I replace it every 3-4 weeks.
2. Kitchen Stovetop Potpourri
Call me old fashioned, but my grandmother taught me how to create a really good smelling kitchen stovetop potpourri. I add lemon, cinnamon sticks, apples, vanilla extract, and water to a pot. Then I let that simmer in the pot! This is the perfect fall and winter season. This stovetop potpourri will make your kitchen and surround areas in your home smell so good!
3. Deodorize Furniture
I typically spot clean my furniture every couple months. With two kids and a dog, there are always spills and messes on my furniture. I also like to deodorize my furniture. I spray the Odor Removing Lemon Spray on my furniture often. I love the scent and I also love that the spray will remove any bad odors.
4. Declutter Rooms
I declutter the rooms in my home every season. I go through everything and donate things that I no longer need. I also take time to organize everything in my home. Using containers, bins, and baskets help me stay organized. Sometimes when a room is cluttered, that will trap bad smells. So it’s important that I have a clutter free and organized home. I also like to find places in my home to add the Odor Removing Gel. This keeps the rooms in my house continuously smelling good.
5. Spruce up Trash Cans
I recently bought new trash cans for my kitchen and bathrooms. This is something that we normally don’t think of buying. But it’s important to buy new ones when they get old. Old trash cans will definitely be the cause of trapping bad odors. I also add the Odor Removing Packs to the bottom of my trash cans.
6. Freshen Rugs and Carpet
I have hardwood floors, carpet, and rugs throughout my house. So I typically do a deep cleaning of our floors every couple months. There’s so many bad smells that can get trapped in floors. So it’s important to have a regular cleaning routine of your floors.
7. Garbage Disposal Refresh
The garbage disposal has so many smells. So I like to cut up a lemon and add it to my garbage disposal. This will completely take away the bad odors. I also keep the Odor Removing Spray on my counter top in my kitchen. A quick spray can also remove those odors.
I hope you were able to gain some tips on how to make your house smell good naturally. It always feels good when you have a clean and fresh smelling house! Also, check out my blog post 6 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality.