Happy December 1st everyone! Tis the season for lots of joy and blogmas! So if you’ve been wondering what Blogmas is, I’ve got you covered with all the details. Blogmas is where you write a new blog post everyday until December 25th. For the most part Blogmas is focused on holiday blog content. It’s similar to how YouTubers do Vlogmas. It’s such a fun way to get excited about the holidays and create fun holiday themed content! When I first did Blogmas, it really helped me get consistent with doing what I love, which is blogging. I also feel like it is a great way to end the last month of the year.
Tips for Blogmas
- Blogger Bestie: Ask a blogger bestie to join you! It’s always fun when you have someone that can equally hold you accountable. Check out my blog post 5 Reasons You Need a Blogger Bestie.
- Short Blog Posts: According to SEO, you want your blog post to be a certain length. But for Blogmas I suggest creating some blog post that are shorter. Remember it’s all about having fun.
- Create a List: It’s a lot easier if you start by creating a list of blog post ideas you want to do for blogmas. Check out my list below.
- Holiday Themed Blog: All the blog posts don’t have to be holiday focused. For example, this year my blogmas blog posts will focus on topics of being a stay at home mom and holiday themed content.
- Share Blog Content: Share your blog posts to your stories on Instagram and Pinterest. I typically use fun holiday themed templates on the apps Canva and Unfold.
- Have Fun: It doesn’t have to be perfect. The consistency of creating new content is what brings joy.
15 Blog Post Ideas
Here are 15 holiday themed Blogmas post ideas. When I first did Blogmas the hardest part was thinking of post ideas. So here’s a little inspiration.
1. Holiday bucket list
2. Top 10 Favorite Christmas Movies
3. Holiday Outfit Ideas
4. Advent Calendars Activities for Kids
5. Christmas Snack Ideas
6. A Day in the Life: Christmas Edition
7. Holiday Events in Your City
8. Family Christmas Traditions
9. How to Save Money During the Holidays
10. Favorite Holiday Books for Kids
11. Gift Ideas for Your Husband
12. Gift Ideas for Kids
13. Winter Skincare Routine
14. Stocking Stuffer Ideas
15. Non-Toy Christmas Ideas
I hope this was helpful with getting you started with doing Blogmas. It’s such a fun time of year so this is the perfect opportunity to enjoy blogging about what you love. Be sure to follow me on my Instagram and Pinterest.